By: Vianney Perea and Brylin Johnston

Advanced Placement also known as AP exams are able to help current High School students earn college credit.
AP exams are mostly taken by High School Juniors and Seniors but can also be taken by Sophomores who are taking an AP class. Students have to score anywhere from 3 to 5 on the exam to receive credit. Usually students have to pay around $98, but students who need financial help can pay a reduced fee.
At Eldorado High School, registration for AP Exams started on January 29th and will be ending on March 2nd for this school year. AP exams are not required when you take an AP class, they are recommended because they can help during college.
“I’d say probably about 75% of the kids in my class do take it and 25% do not,” said George Thomas, the AP Language and Composition teacher, has many students who take the AP exam.
“If a student scores well on an AP exam they can get college credit while they are still in high school, … each college has there own policy for what AP credit they will accept, some colleges don’t accept any college and other colleges, like every single college in New Mexico will give you some type of college credit if you score a 3 or higher on the exam,” said Valerie Velhagen, the College and Career Counselor, describes how college credit can be earned through AP exams.