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Eagles go pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Illiana Manana

Have you questioned why there’s been so much pink around campus lately, why sports teams have been wearing pink socks, uniforms, bows, ect? It's all in support of breast cancer awareness month.

In October, Eldorado High School’s sports teams took their support to the next level.

“It’s just taken off, you know, with all the pink socks and pink attire,” said Roy Sanchez, the athletic director at Eldorado.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities. Athletics all over New Mexico show support for the month of October but Eldorado really stands out.

Football players wore a combination of pink attire, such as socks and gloves. Cheerleaders wore pink attire such as pom poms, shoe laces,. Cheer alsoolunteered at the yearly breast cancer awareness walk at Balloon Fiesta Park.

“We want the whole community to know that Eldorado is a school that supports a variety of different support groups and communities,” said Connor Hurley, the varsity cheerleading coach at Eldorado.

When it comes to sports showing support,, though, volleyball took the trophy with multiple “pink out” games, gym decorating, fundraising for charities, and even recognizing survivors publicly.

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