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Ex-Marine goes teacher

By Amaya Arellano

Nick Pope is Eldorado alumni who, despite pursuing a career in the Marines, always knew he wanted to become a teacher.

Currently Pope is working as a student teacher with Mr. Brad Schafer. His first semester at Eldorado he sat through lectures and observed classrooms, but has now advanced to teaching select classes during the day. He is currently teaching US History to Juniors, with the goal of remaining at that level once he graduates.

“Right where I’m at - that's my stuff. I’m really good with US History. I enjoy blowing people's minds and showing them things that challenge them and the way they think,” Pope said.

Some of Popes biggest influences on his teaching styles today are from not only his military experience, but Eldorado teachers Mr. Sean Thomas and Ms.Randee Ensor. He aspires to be able to keep kids engaged, crediting his ability to do so on the fact he once was a Sergeant and commanded a platoon of over twenty.

With new challenges such as planning entire lessons and keeping the attention of a class for more than an hour, Pope continues to work.

“Like any new teacher he has times where things work great for him and he has times where he goes oh that didn't work.. But he’s helpful and he’s learning. It’s been great.” Schafer says.

Pope will finish this semester at Eldorado, potentially seeking a position on campus after.

“I filmed myself yesterday to watch me lecture and it's like, oh I need some work. But it’s okay,” Pope said. “I'm learning and I’m okay with being wrong because that's part of the experience.”

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