By Hannah Brotman
French National Week came to Eldorado when France took over the Eldorado courtyard at lunch on Feb. 26. The French National Honors Society hosted French Day on campus, complete with games and prizes.
French teacher Laurence Godret re-established the French National Honors Society back in the fall and now it’s bringing France to Albuquerque.
French NHS is built up of student’s from Madame Godret’s French 3 class with 12 students, but members are hoping to see it grow as the program expands.
The goal of the event was to replicate yearly traditions in France and promote French culture and language.
“We were very happy with the final product,” said senior Jed Perea.
Students participated in the National Waiter’s Race.
Students dress up as waiters and race from point A to point B while trying not to spill a glass of water then hold on a tray. A more extreme version of the race is held in France yearly with wine and cheese.
“It’s actually a real event that takes place in Paris and many cities in France every year,” said Godret.
Winning students were awarded with crepes and homemade chocolate mousse which was also free to the public.
A French trivia game with questions about French culture and language was another opportunity to win mystery prizes.
All proceeds of the event were donated to a French based organization, Doctors Without Borders.