By Samantha Benjey and Hannah Brotman
On Monday, November 5th, 2019, the Mill Levy Bond passed with 60,279 votes for the bond.
This bond means a reinstitution of a band uniform cycle and getting an annual budget to purchase new instruments for Eldorado students. The fine arts department has had a Mill Levy for years but was very disappointed when it was voted down back in February.
“I am very glad and grateful to the people of Albuquerque that the Mill Levy bond passed,” says Eldorado High school assistant band director Steve Snowden.
The Mill Levy bond asked voters to approve of a continuation to improve public school buildings and equipment using the city’s tax money. There will be an issue of up to $100 million in general obligation bonds.
The Mill Levy Bond was originally proposed in the February election but was pared down by voters. Now it has been passed and basic repairs and health and safety improvements will be made.
“I wouldn’t have a job if it weren’t funding for the fine arts,” said choir director. Colton Hardy. “Really important item on the ballot, for schools, for what we do every day in the fine arts department. Very important.”
Not only will the bond benefit the fine arts department, but it will benefit the entire school system. According to the APS website, tax dollars will be spent on making schools safer and more inclusive with wheelchair ramps and accessible restrooms. Leaky roofs will also be repaired and lead will be removed from drinking fountains.
Eldorado staff is anticipating to build a fence on the North side of campus to ensure kids don’t leave during school hours. Assistant principal Rodney Suazo hopes for a 6ft tall fence to replace the current 2.5 ft fence.