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Senior makes art, money with ceramics

By Mirabella Pare

Senior Lily Dolinski started her own business selling mugs and ornaments that she has made in ceramics class and club.

“My parents were one of the main reasons why I started selling the mugs that I have made,” said Dolinski.

During the summer she goes down to handmade markets and compares her prices to theirs. Her mugs run from $18-20 dollars, though some with “extravagent artwork” are more expensive.

“I get most of my inspiration from nature. I take clippings from my moms plants and press them into the clay and make plates out of them. Sometimes if I see cute animals or any cute ideas on instagram I want to try them out,” siad Dolinski.

Her ceramics teacher, Mr. Rich Rodriguez, has played a small role in how far she has come with her business.

“Over the years she really seemed to enjoy the class, so much so that she has a studio at home. All that I do for her is supply her with the area and supplies that she needs to let her creativity flow,” said Rodriguez.

Dolinski has enjoyed being in Mr. Rodriguez’s class over the past few years and she has nothing but nice things to say about him.

“He is such a goofball and never takes anything seriously, and that taught me to not take anything so seriously,” Dolinski said.

The first week that Dolinski started her business she made $480, she has only been in this business for just a few months and has now made around $700.

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