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State DECA is a Success!

Story by Meagan Harenberg

Eldorado’s DECA Program competed at state and was very successful with 5 winners including David Hale, Jason Ngo, Trey Robison, Cadence Puckett, and Nick Petty. The State competition was held on February 25, 26, and 27.

The state competition consists of challenges that may come up in a business situation where the students have to work out using creativity and critical thinking while being timed.

“My favorite thing about state is you get to compete similar to nationals, and work out ideas under time pressure, ” said Hale.

The competition begins by first students are sorted into two districts to test and try to qualify for state. When students get to state, they will participate in several role play scenarios that will be watched by a judge. The students will have 10 minutes to prepare a presentation for a judge on their given business scenario. After the presentation is made, the judges will then decide who will move on to the next day of state. After the entire state competition, the top 3 students move on to nationals.

The DECA program at Eldorado is a student-based enterprise, where students will learn business management skills, and help give students a chance to experience what it would be like to have a profession in business. Students can also learn reliability skills, how to have a successful interview with a possible employer, and get to work out different business situations.

“It’s really cool to meet different folks, who have similar goals, and there’s a lot you can learn through the class,” said Elijah Ruiz, who is this year’s DECA president.

DECA participates on different trips out of town, and also gives students different opportunities to be able to use the skills they’ve learned in real world situations.

“I think just the people and experiences are the best part of the class.” said Hale.

The National DECA contest of 2020 will occur on April 29- May 21, 2020 in Nashville Tennessee.

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