By Mirabella Pare
Freshman Daytonah Harris is a BMX racer.
She has been doing BMX since she was 9.
“The reason that I started BMX was that my older brother and my uncle had a really big influence on me and really pushed me to start BMX when I was really little,” said

She competes and practices at Duke City BMX. Sometimes she travels out of state to compete.
“I have competed in El Paso, Las Cruces, Colorado, and California,” said Harris.
The most common injury in this sport is a concussion, but Harris has never had one. Harris’s big injury was breaking her wrist during a race.
“I was going over a jump and the guy next to me got his pedal stuck in my tire and I

went flying over my handlebars,” said Harris.
Daytonah is said to be one of the best in her age group for BMX.
“At every race, I normally finish in top 3,” said Harris.
Daytonah has 5424 points. The point system in BMX is if you finish in 1st place that is 100 points if you finish in 2nd then you get 80 points and finally if you finish in 3rd you get 60 points.